Denver Single-Stair Housing Challange Architecure CompetitionDenver Single-Stair Housing Challange Architecure Competition || תחרויות

תחרויות - נכתב ב: ‏יום חמישי ‏12 ‏ספטמבר ‏2024 כתב by Archijob6

Title: Denver Single-Stair Housing Challange Architecure Competition
Closing date for registration:
12 December 2024
Closing date for project submission: 23 January 2025
Organizers: Buildner & SAR+ Architects
Prizes & Grants: Prize fund 20,000

Point access block [PAB] housing, also known as single stair housing, is a common and efficient residential design used in urban environments across most of the world. This design, characterized by a single staircase that serves all units, supports high-density living, promotes walkable neighborhoods, and enhances urban sustainability. However, despite its benefits, this housing typology is largely absent in North America due to stringent building codes that mandate dual staircases for buildings above two or three stories. These outdated regulations have contributed to the housing crisis by limiting the diversity and affordability of housing options.

Buildner and SAR+ Architects are proud to launch the Denver Single-Stair Housing Challenge, the 18th competition in Buildner's Affordable Housing Challenge series. This competition aims to address the housing crisis in Colorado by inviting innovative design solutions for mid-rise, single-stair housing.
The Denver Single-Stair Housing Challenge calls on architects, designers, and urban planners from around the world to reimagine the potential of PAB housing in the U.S. Participants are tasked with designing mid-rise buildings, up to six stories high, on underutilized lots in Denver. These designs should not only comply with the existing zoning and urban planning goals of Denver but also propose innovative solutions to overcome the regulatory barriers that currently hinder the implementation of single-stair housing.

Photo Credit: Buildner

The Competition Site

There is no mandatory site selected for this competition. Participants can find and choose any underutilized, vacant site in Denver, Colorado, that is 6,000 square feet or less. The chosen site must be an open lot without any existing structures.

Alternatively, participants can use the site we have selected for them. This designated site is located at 1338 Emerson St and currently exists as a surface parking lot. It is situated in the heart of the Capitol Hill neighborhood, benefiting from its proximity to key public transit routes along Colfax and 12th Avenues. This location aligns with Blueprint Denver's vision of complete neighborhoods and integrated transportation networks.

Photo Credit: Buildner

For more detailes enter competition Website:

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Denver Single-Stair Housing Challange Architecure CompetitionDenver Single-Stair Housing Challange Architecure Competition

תערוכה בגלריה חן וינקלרתערוכה בגלריה חן וינקלר

תכנון וילה על ההר ביפןתכנון וילה על ההר ביפן

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